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The following procedure provides a way to recover the homes of the ceinge file server whenever a disk failure occurs. It is based on maildir folder syncronization with the backup server. This way, it is possible to switch the mailserver on before the entire sync is completed. Before any rebuild from the backup data, please make sure every attempt to recover the disks is made; particularly, in case of linux raid disks try this.

Connect to the File Server

Recover the disk and make the base directory for the ceinge homes:

mkdir /data01/FS /data01/FS/ceinge /data01/FS/ceinge/Home

Connect to the backup server

Make the home dirs without descending into them (-pogdv options)

rsync -pogdv -e ssh /media/usbdisk1/FSceinge/ceinge/Home/ root@

Start syncronizing the login folder (contains Maildir)

for i in `ls`; \
do \
echo $i; \
rsync -avz -e ssh --exclude=*archive* $i/login/ root@$i/login/; \

Start the mail server:

/etc/init.d/Mailscanner start

Recover the archive boxes:

for i in `ls`; \
do \
echo $i; \
rsync -avz -e ssh $i/login/Maildir/archive/ root@$i/login/Maildir/archive/; \

Then syncronize the archive

Syncronize the whole home directories without the login directory (already done in the previous step)

for i in `ls`; \
do \
rsync -avz -e ssh --exclude=login* $i/ root@$i/; \
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