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Revision as of 12:35, 5 March 2009 by Gianluca (Talk | contribs)
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Each diskless box can mount local disk partitions to use them as temporary repository of the running OS. This allows to increase performance and reduce the network load of the nfs mounted partitions.

The partitions defined on local HD are:

  • swap partitions
  • tmp partition

Each box should initialize the local disk according to a a pre-built configuration of the partition schema:

On each diskless node:

cat /var/local/hda.out


# partition table of /dev/hda
unit: sectors

/dev/hda1 : start=       63, size=  3919797, Id=82
/dev/hda2 : start=  3919860, size=  3919860, Id=82
/dev/hda3 : start=  7839720, size=148456665, Id= 5
/dev/hda4 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
/dev/hda5 : start=  7839783, size=  9783522, Id=83

This file is used to initialize the local disk as follows:

sfdisk -f /dev/hda < /var/local/hda.out
mkswap -L swap1 /dev/hda1; mkswap -L swap2 /dev/hda2; mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hda5; e2label /dev/hda5 /tmp; 

Once the partitions are completely built, mount them:

swapon /dev/hda1; swapon /dev/hda2; mount /tmp
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