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[edit] Cluster nodes configurations

Actually the ip of the 2nd interface on each cluster node is configured automatically at start-up by adding +128 to the boot ip address.
This is done by the script /etc/init.d/network present in the rootOS (i.e. not in the snapshot). In the script there is this section:

### eth autoconfig ###
# This part of the script read the eth0 ip address and make
# an additional ip to assign to eth1, adding 128 to the last ip octet
# Author: Gianluca
# Date: 17/02/2009

# Here we assume that the ip on eth0 is previusly assigned by dhcp
ip=`/sbin/ifconfig | awk '/HWaddr|Bcast/ {split($0,lines,"\n"); print lines[1];}'|sed -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e 's/addr://g' |awk '{print $7}'|grep 192.168`

n1=`echo $ip|cut -d '.' -f 1`
n2=`echo $ip|cut -d '.' -f 2`
n3=`echo $ip|cut -d '.' -f 3`
n4=`echo $ip|cut -d '.' -f 4`

# Add 128 to the last octet
let c4=$n4+128;

# The new ip to assign to eth1.92 interface

# Write the configuration in the sysconfig directory

# Write the configuration in the sysconfig directory for eth1.2
echo "DEVICE=$interface21" > $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "VLAN=yes" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "BOOTPROTO=none" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "BROADCAST=" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "IPADDR=$ip2" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "NETMASK=" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "NETWORK=" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21
echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface21

# Write the configuration in the sysconfig directory for eth1

echo "DEVICE=$interface2" > $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface2
echo "BOOTPROTO=none" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface2
echo "IPADDR=" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface2
echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface2
echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> $sysconf_path/ifcfg-$interface2

### End eth autoconfig ###

Moreover, in the files.custom of snapshots it is necessary add the line /etc/init.d/network-scripts/ifcg-eth1.92

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