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[edit] Intro

This is a very quick guide about the procedure to the create, store and automatic renewing long-term proxy certificates (or simply a proxies).

[edit] Access to VO

In order to access to VO, you must generate and sign a proxy, which is used for the actual authentication to Grid services and does not need a password. From the UI, launch the command:
voms-proxy-init --voms  [-hours 12]  [-valid 12:00] 

[edit] Create a long-term proxy

If you want to create, store and automatic renew a long-term proxy, after the previous command, you must do:
myproxy-init -n -d -l ''username'' [-t 168] [-c 12] 

where username is a username that specifies the MyProxy account under which the credential should be stored. This string is used in the following step of delegation.

[edit] Delegation to WMProxy

Each job submitted to the gLite WMS must be associated to a proxy credential previously delegated by the owner of the job to the WMProxy server. This proxy is then used any time WMProxy needs to interact with other services for job related operations. If you want to delegate your credentials to WMProxy, you have to use the following command:
glite-wms-job-delegate-proxy -d delegID

where delegID is a string chosen by the user. Usually we use the same of string previously defined as username when launching myproxy-init.

[edit] Submitting with delegation

After the delegation step described above, in order to submit you have to use the following command:

glite-wms-job-submit -d mauro test.jdl

[edit] Check long-term proxy life-time

In order to check your proxy life-time:
myproxy-info -l username

[edit] Important notes

Even if your proxy certificate on the VO expires (default after 12 hours), your long term proxy is still alive!! If you need to access again to the GRID, just create a new proxy by using the voms-proxy-init command. Use myproxy-info -l username to check long proxy life-time.

[edit] Documentation

For more details, visit

gLite User Guide
Quick User Guide for Submitting Jobs

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