User services

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User account
Every ceinge user is provided with a unique and personal user account to access all the available IT services in the institute. The account management is completely integrated with the ceinge user database, where all the user data are stored and managed by the personnel office, in full respect of the rules about the privacy and the management of sensible data.
The account can be used to access all the central services such as the mail service, the file server, the web services with restricted areas, the wireless network service and so on.
Follow this link for more details about the account management.
The ceinge institute provides an internal service of email for its domain (emails in the form It is accesible by using a webmail service, requiring only a valid ceinge user account to access it at the following link CEINGE webmail. Alternatively, an email client can be installed and configured on the computer to full manage the email service.
To see how to configure the service, follow this link.
The email service is based on a number of server software (sendmail, ipop3, imap) and is fully integrated with other services (clamav antivirus, spamassassin antispam, online dynamic blacklists) to offer a controlled delivery, junking the unwanted emails.
Finally an archiveing service of old email is active, capable to move the emails older then 1 month in mailboxes divided per year, located in the user space.
File Server
E' presente un servizio di file server, per la condivisione di uno spazio utente centralizzato, utilizzabile per la conservazione di files dei diversi utenti. E’ garantito il backup automatico dei dati, e lo spazio e’ direttamente accessibile da parte degli strumenti bioinformatici installati. Lo spazio puo’ essere utilizzato per mezzo di diversi protocolli, favorendo anche gli scambi di dati tra protocolli diversi:
  • AFP:il protocollo tipico dei sistemi basati su MacOS.
  • SMB:il protocollo tipico dei sistemi basati sulle diverse versioni di WindowsOS.
  • FTP:un protocollo molto usato in ambiente UNIX, ma anche su altri sistemi operativi.
  • SFTP:un protocollo sicuro che garantisce la comunicazione criptata dei dati e delle password.
Web Server
Il servizio e’ necessario a rendere accessibili, oltre al sito esterno del CEINGE, tutte le tante attivita’ che richiedono questo tipo di comunicazione, tra cui:

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